Seen here is a painting of a Pokemon. The unseen story is that painting is a stress relief for me. Painting distracts me from my
Seen here is a painting of a Pokemon. The unseen story is that painting is a stress relief for me. Painting distracts me from my
Living room couch; I used to spend many nights sleeping on the couch and I would get really mad at my husband for no reason
It’s pretty important to me now cause it has to go with me everywhere I go now. I do not want to know what would
Door and windows with light through and plastic through them. [When I was depressed] I didn’t want the lights coming through, I didn’t want anyone
Cat laying on a bed. It is something that that the medication sometimes can fix, you know you feel like… well you know cats sleep
These are my running medals. Something that I’m most proud of from a couple of years of running. Running can make you feel so much
“Depression Makes you Feel like Shit” – wanted to take a picture that a dog was taking a shit. But this is what I took.
Depression makes me wish it was my name on the grave marker and not my best friend. [He died of] Leukemia. Quite a few times
A wheel with spokes–it is off a wheelchair but that is not really relevant. I remembered when I was in the partial hospitalization program we
Unopened mail. What this reflects for me is exactly what I did, when I am falling into depression then I don’t do the things I