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Snapshot Stories

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Normalizing, de-stigmatizing and humanizing Mental Illness through photography and shared lived experiences

We showcase anonymous individual’s experiences with mental health Through photography.

Freshman Dorm

This is my freshman dorm. This was where my depression and anxiety got really bad and where I definitely had a lot of low episodes.

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Seen here is a painting of a Pokemon. The unseen story is that painting is a stress relief for me. Painting distracts me from my

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“In this photo the eye sees a basic pair of scissors. The unseen story is that these scissors are a constant reminder of how I

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This picture shows the pharmacy building. It represents how much pharmacy has consumed me. I really wanted to get into the program and there were

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An Empty Gym

An empty gym. Two ways that this is interesting: in 1 way a lot of what you feel before you get the medication or treatment

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Cross Stitch

Cross stitch. I have not told my mom about my mental illness and that is really hard. However, she is not really into that because

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Scapular Medal

This is my Grandpa’s Scapular medal. Grandpa gave it to me when he was dying of cancer. These are what he kept when he was

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Running Shoes

My running shoes. Symbolizes what needs to change, but exercise, running, walking, just exercise makes you feel so much better. It can be a good

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