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Snapshot Stories

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Normalizing, de-stigmatizing and humanizing Mental Illness through photography and shared lived experiences

We showcase anonymous individual’s experiences with mental health Through photography.

The Dam

Before the dam it is as smooth as glass and then all of a sudden it turns into the white water rapids. It tends to

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Breaking Free

Picture kind of got cut off. This wheelchair represents my depression, anxiety, and my embarrassment. The image of what needs to change in my life.

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My Coworker

Person I work with at night. She has dealt with a lot of the issues like I have. She was just somebody that takes medicines

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The Spectrum

This one is very important to me. This one is a big one, it’s a photo of the Spectrum issue of Mental Health. I really

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Time wasted.

Although I love artwork of all kinds this is a representation of hours wasted. Stuck in my head home alone with nothing more than my

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Theory Homework

What is seen here is my theory homework. Math of music course. More academic courses for my major. The poem I took a picture of

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Running Shoes

My running shoes. Symbolizes what needs to change, but exercise, running, walking, just exercise makes you feel so much better. It can be a good

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