Shaking Leaves And Tree
This is a moving Leaf & Tree. I shake when my anxiety gets really bad. I can try to stop but it doesn’t work. Now,
This is a moving Leaf & Tree. I shake when my anxiety gets really bad. I can try to stop but it doesn’t work. Now,
An unfortunate side effect of my medication I know I have are dreams. I never had dreams before. Never in my childhood. I don’t like
It is just one of the ways that they teach you to stop ruminating or stop doing what you are doing and to do something
This is an apple with a knife stuck into it. Mostly this represents my kids, if they say nasty things, it feels like they have
Scale Wars: picture of our scale with my daily med box. Shows my weight gain as a side effect. The Zyprexa, I gained 70 pounds,
This is like your home away from home. It is a comfortable safe place to be. Especially once you get over the group therapy idea,
I wanted to capture the contrast of a cloudy sky and clear sky because some days, whether because of meds or because it’s a downer
It’s pretty important to me now cause it has to go with me everywhere I go now. I do not want to know what would
Above my desk and my CCT computer is there and my Dream J that my mom gave me. I often stare at when I’m depressed
These are my running medals. Something that I’m most proud of from a couple of years of running. Running can make you feel so much