Hell From Above
Fargo from the Air, ‘Hell from Above’. This one is a picture from the plane where they are getting ready to land. Most of which
Fargo from the Air, ‘Hell from Above’. This one is a picture from the plane where they are getting ready to land. Most of which
You normally see empty beer cans in the shower but I recreated it with full beer cans. As a graduate student in a really intensive
This is the view from my room. I spend a lot of my time looking out this window. One of my favorite things to do
The unseen story is the new start to my life. This campus is where I reinvented and began to love myself finally. Fargo is home
What is seen here is a dog in a sweater. What I see is a bond with an animal that needs my help. She is
I was raised in an Evangelical Household which meant that if you have a mental illness then you are not close enough to God. It
What is seen here is my theory homework. Math of music course. More academic courses for my major. The poem I took a picture of
I wanted it to represent how I don’t always feel in control in the driver’s seat. Sometimes I feel like they are in charge. I