These are the pills in my cabinet and I also wanted to show that the top cabinet is full too with meds. These show all
These are my legs with my amputated left leg. It’s an image of what needs to change. By gaining weight and strength and working on
Picture kind of got cut off. This wheelchair represents my depression, anxiety, and my embarrassment. The image of what needs to change in my life.
This is my Grandpa’s Scapular medal. Grandpa gave it to me when he was dying of cancer. These are what he kept when he was
What I’m most proud of is my Degrees. My health may be disintegrating around me but my education can never be taken away from me.
This is a moving Leaf & Tree. I shake when my anxiety gets really bad. I can try to stop but it doesn’t work. Now,
This is an apple with a knife stuck into it. Mostly this represents my kids, if they say nasty things, it feels like they have
Using alcohol as a coping strategy or taking medication in the morning so that I can’t drink alcohol in the evening. I know I need