This is my cat on the stairs. She is a black cat with yellow eyes and the sun happened to be hitting here. We had
This is my freshman dorm. This was where my depression and anxiety got really bad and where I definitely had a lot of low episodes.
My planner and medications. This is the first time I’ve gone on any medication to treat my mental illness. It took a long time to
Some of the meds can be really expensive—I’m lucky that I’m still under my parents’ insurance and they can still support me with hospital costs
This is my school locker that I keep all my books in…I’m taking 18 credits now so I have a lot of books in there.
It’s pretty important to me now cause it has to go with me everywhere I go now. I do not want to know what would
A rubik’s cube: that’s what I thought of with getting these meds…I wasn’t really cognizant during this time and plus I was delusional and so
A picture of my alarm clock on my bed—One of the important things with me with my bipolar is just my sleep…Sleep is one of