My youngest son was diagnosed 3 years ago with ADHD. He has struggled with the school and I have felt anxiety since then. His grades and me having to be at the school every day and arguing for his rights. If you don’t stay on top of it then they just don’t care. The school system is set up for the average kind of kid. They want things done one way and they are not open to different ways. School wants quiet, no talking and organization and that is the total opposite that kids with ADHD have and the school doesn’t want to educate them that way. It is huge anxiety for me. Anxiety is that I want the best for his future but right now I don’t have any control over it. Anxiety before was to fight and argue with the teachers for the rights he is entitled to have. Medications, have helped and going to a Partial Hospital Program and learning different ways of dealing with things. Being aware of what I’m feeling and using different techniques to work through it. I think everyone should try to have an understanding of people’s disabilities, I suppose. When it comes to teachers, I would say, mandatory classes for them or even anyone who works with children who would have to understand, but adults have ADHD too. That would be my big thing.