Picture kind of got cut off. This wheelchair represents my depression, anxiety, and my embarrassment. The image of what needs to change in my life. I will walk again when I get my kidney and then I can run again. I will push this wheelchair off a cliff when I can. My friends say they will be there. It is a symbol of my little prison of breaking free. It will be a change in my life and I don’t want to be in a wheel chair all my life. It shows how I haven’t taken care of myself and because of that I had to had an amputation. And the embarrassment of running into people and they see me in a wheelchair and they didn’t know what has happened the last few years. It is embarrassing to have to tell the whole saga. I have accepted the depression, I have surrendered to the depression and anxiety and that I can manage it. This could educate others on being or having a goal and not wanting to have to be a prisoner all my life. I have things I want to do in my life. I want to run a marathon, I was a runner before I lost my health. I want people to see they can overcome their bumps in the road too.