These are the pills in my cabinet and I also wanted to show that the top cabinet is full too with meds. These show all the meds I must be in contact with like: diabetes supplies, sharpie container, blood pressure cuff, especially now that I’m on for dialysis, depression and anxiety meds, blood pressure and vitamins. Basket is full of prescriptions meds just as the cabinet above is crammed with over the counter meds and supplies. It is my structure from right away when I wake up in the morning. I don’t set an alarm since my health is so fragile over the past 1 & ½ years my mom or my dad calls me at 8:30am in the morning to make sure I’m alive. And then she calls at Noon to make sure I’m still alive and on track. I’m here today because I’m living for my friends and my family and for others. And if it wasn’t for them I would have given up a long time ago but if it is for them and the impact of what is going on for me on this journey to take the meds and take care of myself. I owe it to them that I can do this, even though it Is not very desirable to me.