Car tire, road and park; This represents mobility and the park picture represents trees and the changing of the season. Seasons change and change quickly and when you get into a depressive state then you miss seasons, you miss out on life. I think the ability to go out and experience the day is the medication I receive but the opposite is if there is something wrong then that is the illness. And it is related to both. You can’t just go and shake this off…Mental illnesses remove your freedom to experience life, they really do. They remove your ability to interact in the world and your independence. If you are struggling with a mental illness you are not going to see the road for days or trees or sky. If you haven’t experienced a mental illness then go in a room for 3 days try to conceal yourself and don’t change your clothes, eat unhealthy and only eat the milky way that is there, don’t brush your teeth, don’t check your phone, or your email. I didn’t want to be there but I also did not want to leave. People don’t talk about mental health issues, I did. People are worried about the stereotypes and there are [those], but you have to talk about the crappy stuff. If you don’t then you don’t resolve it. People in our society don’t want to talk about mental health. We need to be more creative about how we sneak in the messages. When I worked for extension and nutrition I would sneak in the education and I would notice that if it is passively put out there, they absorb it because they are thinking about something else. They would send me to places like [chemical dependency treatment centers] and the jail and I had to learn to teach people there through creativity and find out what they need.