This is a photo of me looking up at a hill. I wanted this to represent me waking up every day and looking at all the things I have to do and feeling like I have to make it over this hill or obstacle. I guess it could be like looking at the week. Everything I have to do is difficult. But adding on top of that mental illness is even more overwhelming. Sometimes I can’t look ahead of the days of the week. I have been going on a day by day basis. This isn’t one of the more positive ones. If you are struggling with something every day you might not always be looking on the bright side. Every day is a huge obstacle for some people. Everything I do every day for school and on top of how I feel and making sure I’m getting enough sleep and eating. I would hope this puts into perspective how every day is a challenge. For me it’s almost an everyday battle. But I guess I felt like this more in the last year than I have at NDSU. I felt lucky that I could just kind of slide. I felt more isolated than everyone else. I am glad I found the resources. It makes this hill a lot less scary. I know looking at this you wouldn’t pull out there are resources on campus. But the railing is the resources on campus.