I wanted to capture the contrast of a cloudy sky and clear sky because some days, whether because of meds or because it’s a downer day, your brain can be foggy or unclear. I would say now I am more into the clear and blue sky. Things are a lot more clear and make more sense. I would say I have been stuck in the last year in this cloudy feeling. I would say it is mostly because of my medication. It takes a while to adjust. I wish someone had told me that this could happen. Overall I wanted to show that with mental illness or meds, life won’t always be crystal clear. For me it was a lot of foggy days to get to the clear days. The road to recovery isn’t always clear. Even though I am feeling better now I still have days that are foggy and I don’t know what is going on. Keeping a routine, especially now at school after taking a year off. I had to switch around my schedule. I have to try harder to remember to take my meds. Especially switching to school, I had more of a transition and it was during a time where it felt a little cloudy, and I was emotionally upset, but I am much more of a positive person now. Once you get through the fog, you can always get to the blue sky.
There is not always going to be a clear day with everything you have going on. Some people should know that it’s not always crystal clear.