This is a cute little mug that my roommate got me when she was in Ireland over spring break. We haven’t known each other very long but we have this very genuine friendship. She and I are just really quirky and I think it was just a nice gesture to get me a toucan mug on her trip. Personally, I never thought I would find a friend that would be so similar to me and that there are people out there who know what you are going through. It’s nice to have someone close to you who won’t ask you triggering questions and that they will just listen and truly understand. It is just so great to have a good friend. We both have lost our fathers for different reasons. We both don’t have our dads in our lives. We are both dealing with depression and anxiety and it is great that we randomly paired up and became friends. Definitely don’t write people off right away, when I first met her I didn’t think we would get along, but now after getting to know her we are good friends. If people can give each other some time and realize that they are in the same boat as you.