Door and windows with light through and plastic through them. [When I was depressed] I didn’t want the lights coming through, I didn’t want anyone interrupting. I disengaged the doorbell; I didn’t want anyone bothering me. The door being open welcomes people and [shows] I was feeling well. I actually went outside. When you are not feeling well, I didn’t want to go outside, I didn’t answer my door, my phone, my mail. You would have had to kick in my door to do a wellness check. You need to have 2 or 3 people who can see this is happening to you. They have never had to use the keys but it is good to know that I’ve set up the precautions because I do not ever, ever want to fall again. I isolated with a very small group. I know now that it is a mental illness. I now have a new door knob and I do want people to feel welcome to my home. I think people who pay attention to detail, you don’t want people to be nosey, but it may be a sign you need help. I think I would have talked if somebody would have said, “do you need a new door knob?”. I think if people would slow down and pause and your life is not that damn busy and there are little things that will give you clues to pay attention to other people’s lives or even their own. Education is to slow down and pay attention because it might make a difference. My friend did that for me. She will never know how much of a difference that has made for me. I can tell her, send her a fruit basket but she just is like that.