Big pile of dog poop. This picture is a representation of my life right now. Feel like I have no way of getting out of the situation I am in. I feel like I’m at the mercy of my medication. Was feeling really crappy that day [that I took this photo]. I feel like I don’t have any answers as to why 2 years ago I came to a crashing halt and ever since then I just have not been able to get back on track. I’ve tried all sorts of different medication. I guess a lot of times I feel like a big pile sitting out in the hard. I don’t have answers and I can’t provide for myself right now. Feel like my independence has been stripped away because of the medication I’m on. I feel like it worked today but tomorrow, I just don’t know how I will feel. I want to get a job but then I don’t want to have to quit another job. I guess [this photo is] just making a graphic point about how low you can really feel and be at the mercy of having to take medications to feel OK. And maybe [others can] know the severity of it that I have to rely on the medication to get me out of bed each day. I hope there is some sort of longer term solution. Maybe through studies like this that maybe it will make more people aware that if medications aren’t tweaked often that you might not be ok.