Unopened mail. What this reflects for me is exactly what I did, when I am falling into depression then I don’t do the things I should do. This is what happens when I fall behind. These are things that happen, not only when your health is not good you end up with consequences and you fall behind. If you do not address these daily things then you have people upset. It is better now that I went to [a hospital] now I’m pretty stable. Now I can recognize if I see the mail piling up then it is my trigger signs. Finally having a diagnosis makes this easier. I grew up on a farm and unless you were bleeding or a bone is sticking out then there is really nothing wrong with me. I have finally come to a place where people are saying there is an imbalance with me. There is something that I can do. You know they understood. You can never really identify with what people are dealing with because there are shared experiences. These are things that we take for granted, we just do it. But if you are suffering from depression then you don’t even realize it is a problem. Don’t you think if you didn’t open your mail for 3 weeks you would have a problem. I’m unsure of how to help other people except to make people aware that if you are struggling with a mental health issue you may be avoiding things because you are overwhelmed and avoiding. The problem is a lot of mental health issues are going undiagnosed. Are there ways that more people could monitor you like the dentist does to monitor if you have high blood pressure. There are little ways in the health care system that you can diagnose, screenings, of course I always said there is nothing wrong with me. And finally a friend of mine called me on it and she is an attorney too.